Swatara Furnace - Page 8, 1830
Ledger Post
The above scan - Page 8, top, May 13th 1830,
There are some new surnames in the top block for May 13th, a couple of them are hard to make out though.
Wm Tower (maybe Wm Power) from an ealier post.
Geo Walter
John Cetner Sei - ???
Hugh Reenan
James Riley
In the third block down we have "Dumb Wonder" selling beef again and "Valentine Stahl" supplying butter, eggs and milk.
The above scan - Page 8, bottom, May 13th, 18th and 19th, 1830
No new surnames on the bottom of page 8. There are some interesting figures though: In the top block Jacob Wolf was paid $14.32 for 179 bushels of coal, (8 cents a bushel). Also, the labor rate was 50 cents a day, Henry Felty, paid $2.00 for four days work, both James Riley and Hugh Keenan, (third block down) were paid $5.75 for 11 1/2 days work at 50 cents a day.
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