Swatara Furnace Post # 13
Ledger Post
The above scan - 1 May, 1830 Page 6, Top
The above scan is missing the first text block on the page. There are two surnames in that block that I don't believe I have posted before.
Fred Brenner, Pd Him $20.00
Peter Sellers, Pd Him .50
No mention was made of what these two men were paid for.
You can see in the first text block that Martin Felty is still supplying Eckert and Guilford with lumber. There is one new name in the second text block that I don't believe I have posted before.
Peter Keysler, Pd Him in full - $5.75
The last name at the bottom of the upper scan is also new to the ledger, a second supplier of beef.
Geo Ringler, Looks like 30 lbs of Beef delivered.
The above scan - 1 May, 1830 Page 6, Bottom
The above scan contains the bottom section of the first scan at the top of this post, sorry about that. The first four text blocks in the above scan contain surnames that are continuously repeated; however, the bottom three blocks have a new surname, "Sponcake", maybe this is a misspelling of Spancake ??.
"To John Sponcake for 13 days work c 50 ct $6.50"
To Geo. Sponcake for ?? days work c 40 ct $5.60
The $6.50 and $5.60 total $12.10, which is correctly shown on the far right of the ledger, (not shown on the above scan), John and Geo. Sponcakes names are repeated again in the last two text blocks at the bottom of page 6.